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Isaac Adni



Isaac Adni is the Senior Organ Scholar at The Queen’s College, Oxford, where he accompanies and occasionally conducts the choir in their busy schedule of three weekly evensongs as well as concerts and recordings. He is reading music at Queen’s, and was previously the Graham Rogers Organ Scholar at Chelmsford Cathedral. A versatile accompanist and musical director with wide-ranging musical interests, Isaac is as comfortable playing continuo as he is playing keys for musical theatre productions. As Treasurer of the Eglesfield Musical Society for the 2021-22 academic year, Isaac has also been involved in musicals in a producer role. Isaac also composes music in various styles: he was runner-up in the inaugural Jesus College Cambridge Composition Competition, and has a YouTube Channel with various comedy songs in a more popular style.


Musical Director

Sweeney Todd (HT22, The Oxford Playhouse)

Musical Director, Piano, Treasurer

The Last Five Years (MT21, The Queen's Musical)

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